I am off work for the next few days and i have a bunch of loose ends still hanging out there. it's stressing me out, because I don't want to drop any balls while I'm away, but there's not really much i can do. in all my previous jobs, i've looked forward to time off work with anticipation and excitement. although i'm happy about taking a break this time around, there's a strong pull keeping me here (at least mentally). it's weird. i never thought i'd prefer to stay at work over going on holiday.
if i had a stroke of creative genius in the next 45 minutes, that would ease my mind a bit, but then why not have one stroke of genius everyday? that'd be ideal. i'm sure they can handle stuff without me...but it's kinda bad if they can, because that means I'm still not indispensable. which means a job offer may not be in the near future...who knows, though.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Day 38 The Elusive Creativity Triangle
I was shown a diagram a little while back that made a lot of sense. it was a triangle that represented the creative process. one side was labeled "fast," the next side was "well made" and the last side is "cheap." you will almost always be able to get two of the sides, but you'll never be able to get all three. just a thought.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Day 37 - Client Lunch
Today we met for lunch with a client, to get a better feel for what they're expecting from us. Lunch is good, but it's even better when we get more information that is useable in our concepting and ad creation. The guy we met with was really cool and was able to shed some light on questions that had come up between me and the AD in the early stages of thinking, so that we were a little more focused in our message. It's funny how easily you can get off-target if you're not paying attention, or if your instructions and/or creative briefs aren't crystal clear. Sometimes that lends itself to creative freedom, but other times, it just muddles things so that you don't know if you're going in the right direction or not. It was the tastiest meeting I've had here so far, in multiple ways.
Friday, 24 July 2009
Day 36 - On The Fly
I'm a little more than halfway through my internship. It seems to be going well. I'm enjoying myself. I'm trying to be busy and appear busy and be willing to do whatever is asked of me (and even some stuff above and beyond). Things seem to always be changing...I suppose that's a constant in this industry. It's a little scary, but I guess I need to just get used to it; just ignore the anxiety that comes in various levels, depending on what's going on. It's fun though, for sure.
Day 35 - That's Not My Job
There are a lot of things to do in an advertising agency, and sometimes the lines are blurred as far as who's responsibility it is to do. Some people get into the habit of only doing what's in their job description. I'm trying not to be one of those people though. It seems, especially in a small agency such as this, that if everyone works together, even if account people are pulling some creative weight and vice versa, it works better for everyone. I like being a part of a bigger organism rather than relegating myself to a cave just to put my foot down about what I'm paid to do.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Day 34 - Genies
I shook a Magic Eightball today after thinking the following question really hard: Will this internship turn into a job in September? The answer: Signs point to Yes.
So the real question: Should I start putting my feelers out to other jobs or just count on the magic to make it happen? I'm thinking I should hedge my bets. I've heard from several people at work that Austin, TX is a good place to work...
So the real question: Should I start putting my feelers out to other jobs or just count on the magic to make it happen? I'm thinking I should hedge my bets. I've heard from several people at work that Austin, TX is a good place to work...
Day 33 - New Media
Social Media - the wave of the future. (Or is it "the way of the future?" I'm going with the former.) It's pretty amazing to see how advertising is changing with the rise of social websites, especially because it was only a few years ago when people were feeling like there was nothing new and innovative that could be done in this field; like it might die sometime soon.
On the other hand, I can see how Facebook brings communities together. Some of these other things don't make as much sense. (Twitter, for instance, is just an update - it seems too cumbersome to use as a mode of communal conversations...but maybe that's just me.) It's interesting how everyone's on the same page as far as this goes, so no one has an upper hand. it makes it easier for smaller shops to do excellent work, especially if they're younger, since they're using these social sites more than the older generations. everyone's crawling around in the dark, so lots of things are being attempted, and there are lots of failures. it'll be interesting to see what happens in the next 5-10 years.
On the other hand, I can see how Facebook brings communities together. Some of these other things don't make as much sense. (Twitter, for instance, is just an update - it seems too cumbersome to use as a mode of communal conversations...but maybe that's just me.) It's interesting how everyone's on the same page as far as this goes, so no one has an upper hand. it makes it easier for smaller shops to do excellent work, especially if they're younger, since they're using these social sites more than the older generations. everyone's crawling around in the dark, so lots of things are being attempted, and there are lots of failures. it'll be interesting to see what happens in the next 5-10 years.
Monday, 20 July 2009
Day 32 - Overdeliver
I think i've covered this once already, but I've been told that it's important to show up to your CD as well as to the client meeting with more than what's expected. It looks like you're a hard worker and it helps with the weeding process. I don't always get how to do this though. For me, I often run into one of two problems (and sometimes both). #1 - I can't always do as much as I'd like, no matter how hard I try. This is otherwise known as writer's block, AKA my creative life's reality. #2 - I'm sometimes spinning my wheels, just crapping out whatever I can so that I can at least say that I've done a lot of work, regardless of the quality. I don't do this to make it LOOK like i'm working hard - sometimes, that's all I gots in me. :( Will it ever get easier? I've been told it does. I hope so.
Friday, 17 July 2009
Day 31 - Estimates
One of our account people was preparing a work order for a client, and asked me how long it would take for me to write some copy for a website. that helps them determine how much to charge the client (obviously). This is the first time since I started working here that I've been asked to estimate this, so it was kind of tricky. I have no idea when my muse will be with me. Sometimes, she's gone for days on end with no explanation of where she's been. If I'm especially unlucky, she comes back smelling of cheap perfume and booze. Yikes! I just totally guessed. I hope that's okay...I imagine it is. If you get done early, it's just a bonus, I guess.
Day 30 - Radio Production
Today, after many revisions and permutations, we had a recording-worthy radio script for a client. It was a bit scary, because the client was also the talent, so it needed to be approached sensitively, so as not to offend the client. It actually went much more smoothly than I had anticipated, and the client was very accepting of suggestions and critiques. Also, because the client had a connection at a local radio station, we had professional people in the booth, who were also giving the client good advice. They were able to show us the rough cut right there, which was helpful. So, it wasn't the disaster we were expecting, and I've actually got some more stuff for my reel...Hooray!
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Day 29 - Analytics
We've recently launched a new campaign for a client which is entirely online. The good thing about that is it's easy to track "impressions" and "conversions" and stuff like that. I used to just think that the creative was king and if the ad was effective, that was just a bonus, but I can see where its success is just as important as the content itself. Maybe there's some debate to that, but that's they way I see it now. It's pretty fascinating to see the trajectory of people's awareness of the campaign.
another important thing that people are quickly learning in the new media of the Internet is that, in order for you to be successful, there has to be a dialogue between the client and its customers. If not, it comes off as creepy, uninterested, and/or oblivious. when our character interacts with the fans on the Facebook page, it generates more conversation and allows other people to write stuff that I wouldn't necessarily think of. That' just makes my job easier, so why fight it, right?
This is a pretty important topic, so I'll probably touch on it more later. But now, I've gotta get back to work.
another important thing that people are quickly learning in the new media of the Internet is that, in order for you to be successful, there has to be a dialogue between the client and its customers. If not, it comes off as creepy, uninterested, and/or oblivious. when our character interacts with the fans on the Facebook page, it generates more conversation and allows other people to write stuff that I wouldn't necessarily think of. That' just makes my job easier, so why fight it, right?
This is a pretty important topic, so I'll probably touch on it more later. But now, I've gotta get back to work.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Day 28 - Feast & Famine
On Friday evening, I felt super overwhelmed. I had three or four projects that needed to be done by Tuesday and felt like I had a long way to go to be done by then. Monday felt similar, but with a little reprieve because one of the projects ended up being more of an edit than a creative overhaul. But today, most of the stuff I was working on is done, and now it seems like I have very little to work on. Some concepting for a few new projects and that's about it. Weird how quickly things pile onto your plate and how equally quickly they're devoured, leaving you a bit hungry for more.
Day 27 - The Well Pt. 2
After a tough Friday and a demoralizing weekend without inspiration, Monday came along and made me happy again. I was given an assignment to write some really fun stuff as blogs/tweets for a product launch we're in the midst of. It was a completely different tone and type than I'd been working on before, so it was a needed recharge and it helped to change gears. I'm sure the ol' well will dry up again, but I guess that's part of the game. i'll just have to figure out how to make it last the least amount of time. Good luck to me!
Friday, 10 July 2009
Day 26 - The Well
Sometimes it seems like you've used up every analogy know to man and that every clever way of saying something has been said. Those days are pretty rough. (I'm having one of them today. Ugh!) But it happens time and again (I've seen it myself) where that same well of inspiration that seemed all dried up has water in it again, somehow. I don't know how or why...But it's amazing.
I'm off to watch a movie and clear my mind. Hopefully, that will shake some ideas loose.
I'm off to watch a movie and clear my mind. Hopefully, that will shake some ideas loose.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Day 25 - Inspiration vs. Distraction
Lots of writers surf the internet to get inspiration. Other people spend so much time web-surfing other people's cool ideas, that they leave no time for their own creation. Sometimes, I'm the former and sometimes, I'm the latter... It's not that I'm not taking the internship seriously. I just get distracted sometimes but I DO work hard too. So, when I say I've worked a 15 hour day, that may keep things in the proper perspective. :*(
Day 24 - The Talk
I asked my CD if we could have a meeting as a sort of internship "mid-term review." He graciously accepted and kindly took me to lunch. (I had a smoked trout sandwich with bacon on it, and it was awesome.) I basically wanted to know where I stood and what the chances were of getting hired (since this is my ultimate goal and would really make the next few months a little less stressful). Here are some things he said:
- You're better than average, but you're not indispensable yet. Keep working hard and you'll be in a good place.
- It feels like you'd be a good fit for the company, but we need to make sure that we have another salary in the budget.
- In the past, there has been another writer and myself and we've been able to write everything that came across the plate, so we're able to handle the current workload. Getting some new clients would require another writer and we'd have some more money to work our salaries with.
- (When asked if I should be looking at other jobs and preparing for the whole "we're NOT hiring you" conversation) I wouldn't say to look aggressively, but keep all your options open.
I'm sure there were other things he said, but those are the most prominent. Good stuff. It's pretty encouraging, but hopefully I can get the coveted "indispensable" title soon. and i mean SOON.
- You're better than average, but you're not indispensable yet. Keep working hard and you'll be in a good place.
- It feels like you'd be a good fit for the company, but we need to make sure that we have another salary in the budget.
- In the past, there has been another writer and myself and we've been able to write everything that came across the plate, so we're able to handle the current workload. Getting some new clients would require another writer and we'd have some more money to work our salaries with.
- (When asked if I should be looking at other jobs and preparing for the whole "we're NOT hiring you" conversation) I wouldn't say to look aggressively, but keep all your options open.
I'm sure there were other things he said, but those are the most prominent. Good stuff. It's pretty encouraging, but hopefully I can get the coveted "indispensable" title soon. and i mean SOON.
Day 23 - Killing Babies
Sometimes, you have a great idea that the client initially signs off on, and then they take the soul and personality and greatness out of it so that it "reaches a greater audience," or "fits in more product benefits," or "mentions the product more," or whatever.
Salvaging doesn't always work - sometimes, it just turns your great idea into a bastardized shell of its former self.
Sometimes, it's better to just kill the whole idea and start over.
But sometimes, you can't kill it because the client "still likes the idea, but just wants to tweak it a teensy bit." Then, you just need to accept the fact that you've got a bastard on your hands.
Salvaging doesn't always work - sometimes, it just turns your great idea into a bastardized shell of its former self.
Sometimes, it's better to just kill the whole idea and start over.
But sometimes, you can't kill it because the client "still likes the idea, but just wants to tweak it a teensy bit." Then, you just need to accept the fact that you've got a bastard on your hands.
Monday, 6 July 2009
Day 22 - Production Value
There was another writer who came knocking at the door for employment recently. Needless to say, it made me a little nervous, my being so wet behind the ears still. Apparently, this guy had worked at a handful of good places and had some pretty good stuff in his book. I started to feel inadequate and like my internship-cum-employment prospects were dwindling, until I heard two bits of good news.
First, as a very junior writer, I'm dirt cheap. (It's true - ask my wife.) That can't be underestimated, especially in this economy.
Second, having even a little production experience is worth more than several better-than-average print campaigns, because that means there's one less thing you have to be trained on by the agency and the more senior people. I may not have much, but I've worked on a little radio and a little TV, so that gives me a little cushion in my current position and a leg-up in my next pursuits.
It's not a guaranteed key to employment, so I'm not getting cocky or anything - far from it. But it's still good to know that I have a little bit of an edge for the future. the only thing left is learning to actually write well.
First, as a very junior writer, I'm dirt cheap. (It's true - ask my wife.) That can't be underestimated, especially in this economy.
Second, having even a little production experience is worth more than several better-than-average print campaigns, because that means there's one less thing you have to be trained on by the agency and the more senior people. I may not have much, but I've worked on a little radio and a little TV, so that gives me a little cushion in my current position and a leg-up in my next pursuits.
It's not a guaranteed key to employment, so I'm not getting cocky or anything - far from it. But it's still good to know that I have a little bit of an edge for the future. the only thing left is learning to actually write well.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Day 21 - No Time For Rest
This morning, I got to work feeling like it'd be a relatively quiet day. All of the projects I'd been working on were waiting for approval from the client or were approved and were just getting produced for publication. I have a good friend who was working with me on some good ideas at school, so I figured this would be a perfect time to work on some lines for that. I was at work for just an hour or two before I was given two revisions to make, one of which was pretty significant, and an entirely new assignment. It ended up taking most of the day. And at about 4pm, my senior writer asked for some help on a new naming project he was working on, which took me away from these projects. THEN, I was informed that they have three more things in the chamber for me that i'll be briefed on tomorrow! wow...so,
Sorry for not being reliable, Glenn. I'll still try to get to those Bobcat spec ads. :S
Sorry for not being reliable, Glenn. I'll still try to get to those Bobcat spec ads. :S
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Day 20 - The Age Old Struggle
I was witness to a conversation involving a Creative and an Account person that was fairly amusing and a little uncomfortable. The AE had a feeling the client wouldn't like a direction the Creative went in because it seemed too weird and possibly offensive. After looking over the creative brief, including tone and audience and all the rest, it was determined that the Creative was within its bounds, but the AE still felt uncomfortable. The Creative said, "I don't think we should censor ourselves just because you think the client won't like it. let them tell us 'no.' they may surprise us and take something you think they wouldn't like."
So I guess my point is this:
The perceived job of the Creative is to push the envelope - let the client decide what's too far.
The perceived job of the Account person is to sate the client - look out for their best interests.
Is there a middle ground that will ever be reached by these two groups or will they always be at odds?
So I guess my point is this:
The perceived job of the Creative is to push the envelope - let the client decide what's too far.
The perceived job of the Account person is to sate the client - look out for their best interests.
Is there a middle ground that will ever be reached by these two groups or will they always be at odds?
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