Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Day 16 - Late Nights and Food Comps

Because of this pitch that's going on, we've been spending 15 hours at work each day. normally, when you're spending that kind of time, it's cool to eat dinner on the agency and put in hours for overtime (assuming you're on an hourly clock).

it's kind of weird, but at a smaller agency like this, it's good to save them as much money as possible. Like, don't rip yourself off, but don't go to a super nice place for dinner and charge them for every penny. it makes sense because, if you don't look like a total moocher, you won't be the first one on the chopping block when they're trying to cut costs when times are lean.

1 comment:

  1. 15 hour days! snap! you're such a dedicated employee.
