Monday, 15 June 2009

Day 9 - Time Management

It's funny how things are constantly being shuffled between back burners and front burners, depending on a myriad of reasons including, but not limited to:
- whether the client has paid or will be paying
- whether the client and the agency are on the same page as far as strategy, concept, or execution
- being in a holding pattern while we wait for feedback from the client on executions

You have to be ready to perform if something suddenly goes from "pending" to "live and due by the end of the day." I suppose that could be one of the main reasons people find themselves in the office at all hours of the night trying to rush a final draft out the door...Either that, or you're just overworked and have too much on your plate, like a kid at a buffet. A buffet you're being forced to consume, even when you've assured the hostess that you've already eaten and you're not very hungry.

Breath mints? Sure.

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