Wednesday 1 July 2009

Day 20 - The Age Old Struggle

I was witness to a conversation involving a Creative and an Account person that was fairly amusing and a little uncomfortable. The AE had a feeling the client wouldn't like a direction the Creative went in because it seemed too weird and possibly offensive. After looking over the creative brief, including tone and audience and all the rest, it was determined that the Creative was within its bounds, but the AE still felt uncomfortable. The Creative said, "I don't think we should censor ourselves just because you think the client won't like it. let them tell us 'no.' they may surprise us and take something you think they wouldn't like."

So I guess my point is this:
The perceived job of the Creative is to push the envelope - let the client decide what's too far.
The perceived job of the Account person is to sate the client - look out for their best interests.

Is there a middle ground that will ever be reached by these two groups or will they always be at odds?

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